12th International Conference for Teachers of English

“Effective English Teaching and Learning: The never-ending challenge”

The Department of Foreign Languages at Universidad de Tarapacá is pleased to announce the 12th International Conference for Teachers of English, “Effective English Teaching and Learning: The never-ending challenge”, to be held at the Saucache Campus in Arica, Chile, on August 23-25, 2012.


Effectiveness is a goal as well as a must for the successful foreign language teacher. Although there is a wide range of approaches to achieve teaching effectiveness, there are three major areas that should be of interest for generating, improving and evaluating teacher effectiveness, namely teacher training programs, subject contents and student participation.


In this context, the Conference Committee calls for papers and workshops on the effectiveness in the teaching, learning and assessment of English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

Abstract submission

Conference Info

Conference Program

Registration fees

Contact information

E-Mail: idiomasextranjeros@uta.cl

Website: http://idiomasextranjeros.uta.cl

Phone/Fax: +56 58 205 231

Conference coordinator

Eduardo Véliz Ojeda

Phone: +56 58 205 236

E-Mail: evelizo@uta.cl

Dept. of Foreign Languages

Universidad de Tarapacá

Av. 18 de Septiembre 2222

Arica, Chile

